A Wordless Coma

Brice Matthieussent takes a witty, provocative look at the figure of the translator, questioning the aptness of the French term “le passeur” to describe the translator’s role.

Hopscotch Translation’s 2022 Publisher Forum

Following up on the one-year anniversary Translators Forum we published earlier this year, we are excited to mark the midway point of the Hopscotch Translation publishing calendar with another forum—this time directed at publishers of literature in translation!

Dirty Shirts & Bottle Tops

Samuel Martin examines Antonio Tabucchi’s French connections and savors two new books of dialogues between Tabucchi and his translators to mark the ten years since his death.

Another Kind of Emergence

Ilze Duarte responds to Michelle Mirabella’s essay on translators and authors emerging together, and tells of her own co-emergence with the Brazilian writer Marília Arnaud.

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